

We all find purpose in communion with nature. We all find meaning in the rhythm of life. We all receive life from the bounty of the earth. Can we be as wind and waves whose only desire is peace?

When children take over the family business, I think they must be good children, but when citizens take over capitol buildings, I think they must be traitors.

But can a traitor be a hero?

I think George Washington was one.

He was a hero because he refused to engage in partisan politics and because he lived by the golden rule.

He was a hero because he understood that progress grinds to a halt when reformers feel the rush of power, that legitimacy crumbles to dust when conservatives cling to power, and that innocent lives are lost when tyrants take power.

By studying his life and times, we realize that actions have consequences. 滿 Taking power and not letting go is a disaster. 滿 Supporting a tyrant is a fatal mistake. 退 Regular, free and fair elections follow a universal principle. Good citizens step up when they're needed. They step back down when they lose.

滿 滿 George Washington wasn't a power-hungry politician, so he wouldn't bend the knee to a power-hungry family. He just wouldn't support such spoiled, arrogant, cruel, violent people.


I started looking at this passage because I was struck by how close it is in theme and vocabulary to Daodejing chapter 9.

King Wu, not George Washington, was the great hero who overthrew his tyrannical lord and set the stage for a new golden age.


大 37 + 1
sky, heaven; god, celestial
zhī zhū
丿 4 + 3
marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to
示 113 + 7
look at, inspect, observe, see
ér néng
而 126 + 0
and; and then; and yet; but; Kangxi radical 126
jīng qíng
米 119 + 8
essence; semen; spirit
囗 31 + 2
pì bì
辛 160 + 6
law, rule; open up, develop
zhī zhì
矢 111 + 3
know, perceive, comprehend
心 61 + 8
feeling, sentiment, emotion
土 32 + 17
soil, loam, earth; rich
tǔ dù
土 32 + 0
soil, earth; items made of earth
yǔ yú
臼 134 + 8
and; with; to; for; give, grant
生 100 + 0
life, living, lifetime; birth
néng tái
肉 130 + 6
to be able; can, permitted to; ability
ruò ré
艸 140 + 5
if, supposing, assuming; similar
fū fú
大 37 + 1
man, male adult, husband; those
fēng fèng
風 182 + 0
wind; air; manners, atmosphere; Kangxi radical 182
bō bēi
水 85 + 5
waves, breakers; undulations
丿 4 + 4
interrogative or exclamatory final particle
wéi wěi
口 30 + 8
only; yes
qí jī
八 12 + 6
his, her, its, their; that
戶 63 + 4
place, location; numerary adjunct
欠 76 + 7
desire, want, long for; intend
shì dí
辵 162 + 11
match, comfortable; just
攴 66 + 5
ancient, old; reason, because
zi zǐ
子 39 + 0
offspring, child; fruit, seed of; first earthly branch
人 9 + 3
replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation
fù fǔ
父 88 + 0
father; Kangxi radical 88
曰 73 + 0
say; Kangxi radical 73
yì yí
羊 123 + 7
right conduct, righteousness
yě yí
乙 5 + 2
also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity
臣 131 + 0
minister, statesman, official; Kangxi radical 131
口 30 + 4
sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince
竹 118 + 10
hé hè
人 9 + 5
what, why, where, which, how
欠 76 + 10
song, lyrics; sing, chant; praise
止 77 + 4
military; martial, warlike
wáng wàng
玉 96 + -1
king, ruler; royal; surname
shì tí
日 72 + 5
indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that
yōng yóng
广 53 + 8
usual, common, ordinary, mediocre
qù qū
厶 28 + 3
go away, leave, depart
biàn pián
辛 160 + 14
dispute, argue, debate, discuss
工 48 + 2
skillful, ingenious, clever
hái huán
辵 162 + 13
still, yet, also, besides
目 109 + 6
masses, people, multitude, crowd
人 9 + 0
man; people; mankind; someone else
tóng tòng
口 30 + 3
same, similar; together with
dào dǎo
辵 162 + 9
path, road, street; method, way
sī sāi
心 61 + 5
think, consider, ponder; final particle
糸 120 + 4
large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated
老 125 + 4
that which; he who; those who
míng mèng
日 72 + 4
bright, light, brilliant; clear
皿 108 + 5
profit, benefit; advantage; hexagram ䷩
shuāi suō
衣 145 + 4
decline, falter, decrease; weaken
彳 60 + 12
ethics, morality, virtue
xíng háng
行 144 + 0
go; walk; move, travel; circulate; Kangxi radical 144
人 9 + 8
study; repair; cultivate
犬 94 + 7
narrow, limited; narrow-minded; to pinch
臣 131 + 2
lie down; crouch
míng mìng
口 30 + 3
name, rank, title, position
刀 18 + 5
gains, advantage, profit, merit
xiě xiè
宀 40 + 12
write; draw, sketch; compose
卩 26 + 4
dangerous, precarious; high; 12th lunar mansion, determinative star α Aquarii (Sadalmelik)
口 30 + 5
Zhou dynasty; circumference
yú wū
方 70 + 4
in, at, on; interjection alas!
liù lù
八 12 + 2
number six
hé gě
口 30 + 3
combine, unite, join; gather
入 11 + 2
inside, interior; domestic
wú yú
口 30 + 4
i, my, our; resist, impede
yǒu yòu
月 74 + 2
have, own, possess; exist
火 86 + 5
do, handle, govern, act; be
zǔ zhù
阜 170 + 5
impede, hinder, obstruct; oppose
手 64 + 6
sustain, support; hold, grasp
mǎn mèn
水 85 + 11
fill; full, satisfied
nǎi ǎi
丿 4 + 1
then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely
歹 78 + 5
dangerous, perilous; endanger
一 1 + 2
under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down
bù fǒu
一 1 + 3
no, not; un-; negative prefix
己 49 + 0
already; finished; stop
辵 162 + 8
advance, make progress, enter
shēn juān
身 158 + 0
body; trunk, hull; Kangxi radical 158
辵 162 + 6
step back, retreat, withdraw
shèng chéng
皿 108 + 6
abundant, flourishing; contain; fill
囗 31 + 8
nation, country, nation-state
kě gē
口 30 + 2
may, can, -able; possibly
yǐ sì
人 9 + 3
by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to
人 9 + 3
official; serve government
rèn rén
人 9 + 4
trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow
jiā jià
宀 40 + 7
house, home, residence; family
女 38 + 10
to marry, give a daughter in marriage
jiāo xiāo
馬 187 + 12
spirited horse; haughty
人 9 + 8
arrogant, haughty, rude
ào áo
人 9 + 11
proud, haughty, overbearing
bào pù
日 72 + 11
violent, brutal, tyrannical
亠 8 + 4
mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver