
Fighting Spirit

Everyone says that my kung fu is strong, but they also say it looks a bit unorthodox.

The whole reason it's so strong is that it looks a bit strange. It's an ancient tradition. That means it evolves, doesn't it?

My kung fu still has three old gems from the old days. If you take them too, they'll keep you safe. The first is compassion, the second is restraint, the third is not being a bully. Compassion inspires us, restraint empowers us, not being a bully gets the best results.

Modern kung fu is a hero with no compassion, a cop with no restraint, a boss with no respect. That means it's a dead end.

When we bring compassion to the fight, we prevail, in defence, we're safe. God is with us, and with compassion, watches over us.


is the quality of being not like one's forebears. A conservative interpretation would probably take as unorthodox or unconventional if not outright unworthy.

I think that is something like a subjunctive in English. Since (my ) is an ancient tradition (), that means it's humble (), doesn't it?

I like as a conditional. If held dear, then protected by them.

My riff on is economy moderation temperance prudence restraint self-control simplicity frugality parsimony.

Mawangdui versions of this poem contrast more clearly with (A) and (B) than does Wangbi's , and Han Feizi quotes the saying as it appears in Mawangdui A. is pretty common in ctext and seems to be a vessel or other artifact fashioned from raw (?) wood or jade. is very common in ctext, and seems to mean something like achievement in modern Chinese.

XY is more literally set aside X in favour of Y.

is arguable, as usual.


大 37 + 1
sky, heaven; god, celestial
一 1 + 2
under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down
白 106 + 4
all, every, everybody
言 149 + 9
say, tell; call, name; be called
戈 62 + 3
our, us, i, me, my, we
dào dǎo
辵 162 + 9
path, road, street; method, way
dà dài
大 37 + 0
big, great, vast, large, high
shì sì
人 9 + 5
resemble, similar to; as if, seem
bù fǒu
一 1 + 3
no, not; un-; negative prefix
xiào xiāo
肉 130 + 3
look like, resemble, be like
fū fú
大 37 + 1
man, male adult, husband; those
wéi wěi
口 30 + 8
only; yes
攴 66 + 5
ancient, old; reason, because
ruò ré
艸 140 + 5
if, supposing, assuming; similar
丿 4 + 2
long time (ago); time passage, grow late
yǐ xián
矢 111 + 2
particle of completed action
qí jī
八 12 + 6
his, her, its, their; that
糸 120 + 5
fine, tiny; slender, thin
yě yí
乙 5 + 2
also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity
yǒu yòu
月 74 + 2
have, own, possess; exist
一 1 + 2
宀 40 + 17
treasure, jewel; precious, rare
手 64 + 6
sustain, support; hold, grasp
ér néng
而 126 + 0
and; and then; and yet; but; Kangxi radical 126
人 9 + 7
protect, safeguard, defend, care
zhī zhū
丿 4 + 3
marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to
一 1 + 0
one; a, an; alone
曰 73 + 0
say; Kangxi radical 73
心 61 + 10
kind, charitable, benevolent
二 7 + 0
two; twice
人 9 + 13
temperate, frugal, economical
攴 66 + 8
to dare, venture; bold, brave
火 86 + 5
do, handle, govern, act; be
儿 10 + 4
first, former, previous
néng tái
肉 130 + 6
to be able; can, permitted to; ability
力 19 + 7
brave, courageous, fierce
guǎng guàng
广 53 + 12
broad, wide, extensive
戈 62 + 2
completed, finished, fixed
口 30 + 13
receptacle, vessel; instrument
zhǎng cháng
長 168 + 0
long; length; excel in; leader; Kangxi radical 168
人 9 + 2
now, today, modern era
shè shě
舌 135 + 2
house, dwelling; dwell, reside
qiě jū
一 1 + 4
moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb)
彳 60 + 6
behind, rear, after; descendents
歹 78 + 2
die; dead; death
yǐ sì
人 9 + 3
by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to
戈 62 + 12
war, fighting, battle
刀 18 + 7
rule, law, regulation; grades
力 19 + 10
victory; excel, be better than
shǒu shòu
宀 40 + 3
defend, protect, guard, conserve
囗 31 + 5
to become solid, solidify; strength
jiāng jiàng
寸 41 + 8
will, going to, future; general
jiù jiū
攴 66 + 7
save, rescue, relieve; help, aid
行 144 + 9
guard, protect, defend
shì zì
亅 6 + 7
affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident
pǔ pú
木 75 + 12
simple, honest; plain; rough